Name | Extracted | Size | Date | Description |
ALERT10.ZIP | Yes | 49346 | 3/15/1994 | Alert 1.0 is a combination burglar alarm and screen saver. It continuously displays "INTRUDER ALERT" and "CALLING POLICE" messages, while producing sounds simulating a telephone being dialed. The message locations, and text and background colors change to avoid screen burnout. Requires 286 or better and VGA. C source is included. (Mendel Cooper) (Reg.Fee: $5-8) |
AUTOLOCK.ZIP | Yes | 44578 | 6/9/1994 | AutoLock 1.1 is a 4K TSR data security and screen saver utility. It provides a simple way to lock up the keyboard, clear the screen, and restrict data access with automatic lock-up when left idle. Features includ quick hotkey activation, boot-up protection, and more. Password prompt can pop-up from within applications. (Robert Snyder) (Reg.Fee: $20) |
BEEPER.ZIP | Yes | 3402 | 3/5/1994 | Beeper goes in your AUTOEXEC.BAT and dials your pager (or other phone number) whenever your system is booted to let you know that someone is using your machine. Requires BASIC. (Dave Bly) (Reg.Fee: $1) |
CDES.ZIP | Yes | 15077 | 5/29/1989 | Cdes is a file encryption program that is sophisticated, fast and easy to use. (Arthur Melnick) (Reg.Fee: $?) |
CIPHER16.ZIP | Yes | 37789 | 9/7/1993 | Cipher 1.6 is a file encryption program. (Mike Albert) (Reg.Fee: $40) |
CIPR_RI.ZIP | Yes | 31471 | 5/29/1989 | Cipher 1.0 is a file encryption program designed to encode files so they can be securely stored or sent and then later decoded. (Rex B. III Ivie) (Reg.Fee: $0) |
CODIFY.ZIP | Yes | 21069 | 6/10/1994 | Codify 1.0 allows the user to encrypt any type of file or program. (William D. Hause) (Reg.Fee: $15) |
CONFIDAN.ZIP | Yes | 81517 | 3/7/1994 | Confidant is a file encryption program. (Reg.Fee: $0) |
CRYPT.ZIP | Yes | 20050 | 5/29/1989 | Cryptik: Encoded Jigsaw Puzzle 2.03 is a set of Jigsaw puzzles for the PC. The puzzle you choose is encoded to show its major colors, then the pieces are jumbled. All puzzles feature original photography. Requires VGA and mouse. (Steve Estvanik) (ASP) (Reg.Fee: $15) |
CRYPT2.ZIP | Yes | 12403 | 7/26/1993 | Crypt is a very quick and easy file encryption program. C source code is included. (Reg.Fee: $0) |
CRYPT8E.ZIP | Yes | 40831 | 10/8/1993 | PC-Crypt 8.0 features encryption and decryption of disk files using the Vernam process combined with use of random or One-Time-Pad keyfiles. (James T. Demberger) (Reg.Fee: $0) |
CRYPTF.ZIP | Yes | 6085 | 5/29/1989 | Cryptf is a file encryption program which writes over the original file. Forgetting the keyword or losing power during use of Cryptf is fatal to the file, so make backups first. For example, if you encrypt a file with a keyword of MYKEY and try to decrypt it with MYKY, Cryptf will instead encrypt the file a second time. You can still decrypt the file completely by running once again and entering MYKY and then one more time to enter MYKEY, but it's obvious you could get balled up easily. (Christopher Blum) (Reg.Fee: $?) |
CSPG.ZIP | Yes | 109819 | 6/14/1994 | Computer Security & Privacy Guide 4.0 is an introduction to the subjects of computer security and privacy. It provides quick access to 400+ sources of security related information, products and services. (Lexikon Services) (Reg.Fee: $20) |
DCI100SW.ZIP | Yes | 49635 | 2/12/1994 | D/CRYPT-IT 1.0 is a file encryptor which encrypt files first with the user supplied password and then again using the program password. (DataTek Computer Services) (Reg.Fee: $19) |
DCRYPT.ZIP | Yes | 55090 | 1/31/1991 | DataCrypt 2.5 is an encryption program that offers several different types of file security. Super Encryption is fast encryption with moderate security. DES Encryption is the Government Standard encryption, slow, high security. Decryption has Auto mode detection and is password sensitive. The Range will allow you to specify starting/ending encryption/decryption range. (Borris Technologies) (Reg.Fee: $24) |
DEEPLCK.ZIP | Yes | 4840 | 12/7/1990 | DeepLock 1.1 is a password program and screen blanker that disables Ctrl-Alt-Del and Ctrl-Break and offers a choice of five "look-busy" screens to make the casual intruder think that the computer is working on something. If a key is pressed a message warns that data may be lost and the disk corrupted, etc., to further try to scare the person off. (David M Dibble) (ASP) (Reg.Fee: $0) |
DGLOCK.ZIP | Yes | 49734 | 7/9/1990 | DGLock 2.10 is a password protection program that is simple and easy to use, but that also has some very powerful features. After executing (presumably as the first line in your AUTOEXEC.BAT), it disables Ctrl-Alt-Delete. After a third incorrect password is entered, LOCK will begin logging every password attempt, noting both the time and the password entered. Whenever a wrong password is entered, LOCK will sound a warning buzz; if the attempts continue, the warning sounds will become increasingly unpleasant. (The Brass Cannon Corporation) (Reg.Fee: $0) |
DIGITAL.ZIP | Yes | 148933 | 3/7/1994 | Digital Crypto Programs is a file encryption program. (Reg.Fee: $0) |
DKPROT.ZIP | Yes | 26856 | 5/4/1994 | Diskette Protector 1.03 allows you to encrypt an entire diskette using the American Government Data Encryption Standard. (Pigas Inc.) (Reg.Fee: $20) |
DOSSAFE.ZIP | Yes | 7300 | 2/6/1991 | DOS-Safe 1.0 describes how to use DOS commands to improve the security of your computer system. While this file was written with BBS sysops in mind, most of the information in it is useful to anyone concerned about the security of their system. (Roy Wilson) (Reg.Fee: $0) |
DRKR03C.ZIP | Yes | 52856 | 4/27/1994 | Dr. Krypton 0.39 is a file encyption program. (Dave Beiter) (Reg.Fee: $11) |
DSECURE.ZIP | Yes | 7742 | 8/28/1992 | DSecure writes over all erased areas of a disk so that files cannot be undeleted. When DOS deletes a file, it does not remove the data files, it simply marks the directory entry as deleted. That is why undelete utilities can so easily undelete a file. That is also why you may be giving people personal, confidential information (credit card numbers, love letters, etc) every time you pass out a floppy that you may have used before. Even if someone cannot undelete a file on your disk, they may still read the sectors with a utility like Norton's. Running Dsecure on the disks removes that risk. (Garry J. Vass) (Reg.Fee: $0) |
DTALOCK.ZIP | Yes | 37996 | 11/9/1991 | DataLock 2.6 is an easy, menu-driven program for encrypting your sensitive files. You can select a fast encryption method or one that is slower but more secure. If you keep lists of passwords, credit card numbers, bank account numbers or other confidential information on your system, you should use an encryption program. (Borris Technologies) (Reg.Fee: $24) |
EID210.ZIP | Yes | 112624 | 2/1/1994 | Encrypt-It 2.10 allows you to encrypt and decrypt a file or groups of files using the Data Encryption Standard encryption. (David Black) (Reg.Fee: $64) |
ENC.ZIP | Yes | 201655 | 12/1/1993 | ENC! 1.0 automatically encrypts and decrypts files in the background as you read from and write to disk. Multi-level passwords let you allow other people access to some files without allowing access to other files. You can specify which types of files are to be encrypted/decrypted, including specifying files by extension. (Steve Chan) (Reg.Fee: $15) |
ENCRYPT.ZIP | Yes | 244508 | 3/7/1994 | Encryption is a file encryption program. (Reg.Fee: $0) |
EPW.ZIP | Yes | 4267 | 8/10/1994 | EPW 1.3 modifies an EXE or COM file so that it requires a password to execute. The program is extremely simple to use and is very effective. (Farpoint Software) (Reg.Fee: $20) |
EXEPRO.ZIP | Yes | 11034 | 1/31/1993 | ExecProtect is a TSR that allows you to password protect EXE or COM files. It features a master password option or you can use different passwords for each program. (Solid Oak Software) (Reg.Fee: $34) |
EXERUN.ZIP | Yes | 19682 | 11/23/1989 | EXErun 1.0a lets you add password protection to any program. It modifies your .EXE programs so that they will not run unless EXERUN.EXE is in memory. When in memory, EXErun will check to see if the file size or date or time was changed, and optionally check to see if BIOS and DOS changed, request password, and check to see if other required programs, such as TSR utilities were already run. (Dr. Masaaki Sawada) (Reg.Fee: $10-$20) |
FSK.ZIP | Yes | 33753 | 11/17/1993 | FSK Security System 1.0 prevents your computer from being booted without a password (unless booted from a floppy). It also allows you to have a second password in case someone gets your primary password and changes it to lock you out of your own system. (Vladimir Kilin) (Reg.Fee: $5) |
GUARD193.ZIP | Yes | 316568 | 10/27/1993 | Guardian 1.93 is a security system which protects either a hard disk or a floppy disk against unauthorized use. Individual files may be password or encryption protected. A hard disk or floppy may be locked so that it may not be accessed. The system allows up to six different passwords. (Marcor Enterprises) (Reg.Fee: $44) |
GUARDRW.ZIP | Yes | 8583 | 7/16/1992 | Guardian lets you add password protection to COM and EXE files. After modifying programs with Guardian, they cannot be run without entering the specified password. (Robert Wallingford) (Reg.Fee: $25) |
GUARDS.ZIP | Yes | 100098 | 5/19/1994 | GuardSet 2.1 allows you to create disk security systems. You can create encryption and decryption programs to control access to files and directories on your computer's disk. (Gerald DePyper) (Reg.Fee: $30) |
HD_UD.ZIP | Yes | 5349 | 5/15/1990 | HD & UD are utilities that let you Hide and Unhide a subdirectory from a normal DIR command. HD/UD are much easier to use than the HIDE utilties (see HIDE.COM), but are also not as secure. For example, although the directory is invisible to DIR after running HD, our favorite sorted directory lister and file manager both listed it. (Bob Thompson) (Reg.Fee: $?) |
HIDE.ZIP | Yes | 3381 | 5/29/1989 | Hide let you lock out other users from access to subdirectories. It also makes the subdirectories invisible to the DIR command. HIDE does not work from the DOS command line - it prompts you for the directory name after you invoke it. For use in a batch file, you can use a keyboard stuffer, such as Stackey (see Keyboard Utilities) or create a text file with just the name of the subdirectory in it and pass it to HIDE through redirection. Example: HIDE_CD < DIR-NAME.TXT (Charles Incaprera) (Reg.Fee: $?) |
HIDE_IT.ZIP | Yes | 15295 | 3/29/1991 | Hide-It lets you hide files and use them (after entering a password) without un-hiding them. To anyone not using Hide-It, the files are normally invisible. (RSE, Inc.) (Reg.Fee: $20) |
HIDEFILE.ZIP | Yes | 60649 | 9/7/1993 | HideFile lets you protect a file from being viewed, run, or copied, although its name will still appear in directory listings. (John De Palma) |
HIDIR128.ZIP | Yes | 46890 | 11/7/1993 | HiDir 1.28 makes directories invisible to normal DIR commands (but not to common sorted directory utilities and file managers). (Samual Kaplin) (Reg.Fee: $6) |
JLOCK.ZIP | Yes | 11188 | 5/29/1989 | JLock is a 10k memory-resident utility which lets you control whether specified files may be opened, created, executed, deleted, renamed or allowed to change file mode. (We would like to see COPYING added to the list, but perhaps it is not feasible.) A password can optionally be implemented for additional security. (Dr. Masaaki Sawada) (Reg.Fee: $10-$20) |
KBDLOCK.ZIP | Yes | 19072 | 6/23/1992 | KbdLock 2.2 is a tiny (544 byte) TSR that can lock the keyboard and disable the mouse when using DOS programs. This is is useful when running demos or other programs that you don't want interrupted. All keys except the hotkey combination are locked out, including Ctrl+Alt+Delete, Ctrl+C, Ctrl+Break and PrintScreen. (Seth W. Comstock) (Reg.Fee: $10) |
KONTROL.ZIP | Yes | 11424 | 5/29/1989 | Kontrol 1.0 loads into memory and watches for up someone trying to run one of up to 25 specified programs. It then kicks into action and performs specified tasks, which can include requesting a password to be entered, logging time and date, changing file attributes (eg: you could unhide sensitive files to work on at this point), copy or deleting files, and changing subdirectory. The password function is not fool-proof by itself, since renaming the program might circumvent it. (Dr. Masaaki Sawada) (Reg.Fee: $10) |
KRYPTON.ZIP | Yes | 46989 | 4/7/1994 | KryptoNiten 1.4 is a high level encryption/decryption program. It supports the Data Encryption Standard (DES). Requires 512K RAM and EGA/VGA. (Alfa Data) (Reg.Fee: $30) |
LOCKKEY.ZIP | Yes | 24757 | 5/29/1989 | LockKey lets you enter a password, blank the screen and lock the keyboard when you are going to be away from the computer for a while, such as at lunch. To regain control, press a key and enter the password. (Nelson Ford) (Reg.Fee: $0) |
LOCKOUT.ZIP | Yes | 22644 | 5/6/1992 | Lock-Out 1.0 is a security program that will prevent someone from accessing your hard disk even if they boot-up your computer from A:. The program does not change the FAT nor perform file encryption. (Doug Scott) (Reg.Fee: $23) |
LOCKUP.ZIP | Yes | 7990 | 5/26/1994 | LockUp 1.61 keeps the curious out of your system by displaying a phony DOS prompt until you enter a password. Any other input is saved in a log file and given the response: "bad command or file name". (Brian MacAskill) (Reg.Fee: $0-10) |
NOHARD.ZIP | Yes | 9582 | 8/10/1994 | NoHard keeps programs from writing to the hard disk. (Reg.Fee: $0) |
NOSH15.ZIP | Yes | 23778 | 8/19/1993 | NoShell 1.5 is a TSR that requires all users to enter a password before executing a DOS shell from within any other program. This prevents unauthorized people from getting access to your system by shelling to DOS from within an application. (Presumably, your system would be set up so that when quitting the application, the user would be returned to a password protected DOS menu program.) (Stephen M. Dunn) (Reg.Fee: $0) |
NOTIME.ZIP | Yes | 9910 | 5/29/1989 | NoTime 0.1 prevents people from using your computer facilities (keyboard, diskette, video, serial port and printer port) at specified times to prevent unauthorized tampering. (res:3k.) (Dr. Masaaki Sawada) (Reg.Fee: $10) |
NSP100.ZIP | Yes | 49089 | 12/9/1993 | No Snoop 1.0 encrypts and decrypts groups of files which match a user-specified file mask. Because it works so fast and easily on a set of files, you could use it to encrypt files when you leave your desk and decrypt them when you get back so that you can continue to work on them. (David Key) (Reg.Fee: $0) |
P_TECT.ZIP | Yes | 13541 | 12/17/1992 | Protect write-protects and un-write-protects hard disks, keeping anyone from writing data (or viruses) to them. Assembler source is included. (Reg.Fee: $0) |
PADLOC.ZIP | Yes | 21513 | 11/16/1993 | PadLock 1.04 is a medium level computer security program. (JudSoft) (Reg.Fee: $15) |
PASS.ZIP | Yes | 136918 | 6/7/1994 | PASS 1.0DOS is an appointment scheduling program. Requires 512K RAM and 575K of disk space. (RCCO Research) (Reg.Fee: $10) |
PASSGEN.ZIP | Yes | 21236 | 12/22/1990 | Password Generator generates truly random eight-character passwords for use in security programs, networks, bbs's, etc. (Robert J. Matter) (Reg.Fee: $0) |
PASSKEY.ZIP | Yes | 32481 | 5/29/1989 | PassKey is a menu program with password security for systems that have multiple users and someone to serve as a system administrator. The author says this program has been approved by the auditors of a billion-dollar bank. (Rod Culliso) (Reg.Fee: $?) |
PASSWR52.ZIP | Yes | 26794 | 1/17/1994 | Password 5.2 is a password protection program. It disguises itself as a normal looking C> prompt. (Ray Dittmeier) (Reg.Fee: $7) |
PASSWRD.ZIP | Yes | 9845 | 8/2/1989 | Password 1.4s is a little more secure than some of the other programs in this section because it puts the password program in CONFIG.SYS rather than AUTOEXEC.BAT, but anyone booting from a floppy can still bypass this. The program has a very effective system lock-up for when you have to leave your computer unattended for a while. (Gerald A. Monroe) (Reg.Fee: $10) |
PASWRD.ZIP | Yes | 9866 | 6/22/1989 | PassWord is a simple password program. Includes assembler source code. (Reg.Fee: $0) |
PASZIP.ZIP | Yes | 8690 | 6/16/1994 | Paszip includes three batch files that explain file encryption and decryption techniques. It shows how to encrypt and decrypt files using PKZIP and PKUNZIP. (John De Palma) (Reg.Fee: $0) |
PC_CODE.ZIP | Yes | 148710 | 3/7/1994 | PC-Code is a file encryption program. (Reg.Fee: $0) |
PCLOCKII.ZIP | Yes | 20108 | 5/29/1989 | PClockII is a set of files for password protecting your hard disk. (Reg.Fee: $0) |
PCSS33.ZIP | Yes | 44852 | 12/14/1993 | PC Snooper-Stopper 3.3 will prevent unauthorized use of your computer by offering password protection. If the correct password is not given after two attempts, the computer will reboot or become trapped. The program will also log all failed attempts. (Joby W. Gordon) (Reg.Fee: $5) |
PCV46.ZIP | Yes | 227982 | 10/15/1993 | PC-Vault 4.6 asks for a user name and/or password when you boot your computer. The hard disk cannot be accessed without the password even on a floppy boot. A "LunchBreak" feature blanks the screen and locks the keyboard when a hot key is pressed or when the keyboard/mouse have been idle for a user specified time. Up to 12 user passwords can be maintained, and a logoff utility is provided to log you off the computer and allow another user to logon without rebooting. (Everett C. Johnson) (ASP) (Reg.Fee: $35) |
PCVPLS46.ZIP | Yes | 247391 | 10/15/1993 | PC-Vault Plus 4.6 is a hard disk protection program. The user must enter a password and optionally, a user name in order to access the hard disk, even if booting from a floppy. The main difference between the regular PC-Vault and the Plus is the ability to control access to specific directories for individual users. (Everett C. Johnson) (ASP) (Reg.Fee: $95) |
PGP26.ZIP | Yes | 262746 | 6/23/1994 | Pretty Good Privacy 2.6 performs public-key encryption on files. (Use the -d switch when unarchiving to preserve the proper subdirectory structure. ) (Philip Zimmermann) (Reg.Fee: $0) |
PLAYFAIR.ZIP | Yes | 12029 | 5/29/1989 | Playfair encodes or decodes an input file into an output file using the Playfair cipher, a cipher system invented in the nineteenth century. (Charles Shapiro) (Reg.Fee: $0) |
PRIVATE.ZIP | Yes | 74253 | 3/7/1994 | Private Line is a file encryption program. (Reg.Fee: $0) |
PROTECT.ZIP | Yes | 22468 | 11/9/1993 | Protect! EXE/COM 4.0+ is an EXE and COM file security program. It encrypts EXE and COM files, yet still leaves them executable. A CRC is calculated every time a protected program is loaded, and no program with a bad CRC will be allowed to run. It requires LZEXE or PKLite (both available from PsL) to compress EXE files before protecting them. (Jeremy Lilley) (Reg.Fee: $25) |
PW.ZIP | Yes | 13698 | 11/16/1987 | PW is a simple password program. The documentation contains some interesting information about CONFIG.SYS and batch files. (David Scheall) (Reg.Fee: $5) |
PWORD.ZIP | Yes | 14872 | 4/15/1994 | Password - JB 1.6 provides password protection by displaying a fake DOS prompt when the program is activated. Anything entered except for the password will return a 'Bad Command or File Name' error message. It also disables the control-c and control-break sequences and returns a fake ^C message if anyone attempts to break out of the program. (John Blackwell) (Reg.Fee: $5) |
SCRP312D.ZIP | Yes | 250441 | 5/11/1994 | SuperCrypt 3.12d allows you to encrypt and decrypt any file. NEW: directory navigation. (Ed Marion) (Reg.Fee: $49) |
SECDR13A.ZIP | Yes | 87587 | 5/5/1994 | SecureDrive 1.3a allows you to create an encrypted partition on your hard drive or floppy disks, making it accessible only by entering a password. NEW: a feature to convert disks encrypted in one compatibility to disks encrypted in the other, user messages to keep you informed of which compatibility is being used, where passphrases are coming from, etc. (Mike Ingle) (Reg.Fee: $0) |
SECRET.ZIP | Yes | 28778 | 3/25/1994 | Secret 1.0 is a simple file encrypting tool. (John De Palma) (Reg.Fee: $0) |
SECUR_GS.ZIP | Yes | 733746 | 3/10/1994 | Secure is a system security and menuing program. Features include floppy boot protection, random passwords and random password generation, multi-user support, electronic messaging, user notebook, pop-up calendar, job account and employee department tracking, audit trailing, nine security levels, mouse support and more. The user can be restricted to the menu system after booting on the hard disk. The menu system then allows you to restrict users' access to subdirectories and programs. Secure is ideal for libraries, schools, and other places where the multiple people are allowed to use the same computer. Requires DOS 3.0+, 640K memory, and a hard disk. (General Systems) (Reg.Fee: $48-$112) |
SECURE.ZIP | Yes | 22718 | 1/17/1994 | Secure protects your files and directories. It will allow you or others access to only those parts of your PC you specify. (Paul Kimmel) (Reg.Fee: $26) |
SFS100.ZIP | Yes | 198709 | 5/5/1994 | SFS-Secure File System 1.0 lets you maintain up to five encrypted hard disk volumes. It runs as a standard DOS device driver, and will operate with Windows, QEMM, Share, disk cacheing software, Stacker, etc. Volumes can be quickly unmounted with a user-defined hotkey, or automatically unmounted after a certain amount of time. They can also be converted back to unencrypted volumes or have their contents destroyed if required. (Peter Gutmann) (Reg.Fee: $25) |
SOFTSAFE.ZIP | Yes | 134379 | 6/22/1994 | Soft_Safe is a database program to safely encrypt and store passwords, PIN numbers and other private information using a personalized set of access codes. (David R. Witt) (Reg.Fee: $10) |
STANSEC.ZIP | Yes | 985113 | 1/4/1994 | Stan Security System is a protection system for DOS. It contains eight modules that cover all areas of software security including encryption, password protection, copy protection, run and date meters, proof of authorship, data access control, archiving and compression, and installer routine generation. (Alexey Pismenny) (Reg.Fee: $44) |
STOPPASS.ZIP | Yes | 112759 | 5/19/1994 | StopPass 1.0 stops intruders from getting into your computer. It is easy to use and customize. Requires 512K of RAM. (Alberto Malaga) (Reg.Fee: $12) |
SYSLOCK.ZIP | Yes | 7540 | 5/29/1989 | SysLock discourages unauthorized use of a computer. The protection can be bypassed only by a knowledgeable intruder opening up the computer case. (J. C. Kilday Associates) (Reg.Fee: $?) |
TBFENCE.ZIP | Yes | 52185 | 11/16/1993 | TbFence 1.0 is a single- or multi-PC file and data security system. It works in the background to encrypt data copied to a floppy. It will not allow unencrypted files to be read, used or copied to the hard drive without the use of a special utility which can be kept under the control of a system administrator. This protects both against theft of files from a hard disk and against introduction of unauthorized, untested files to a hard disk. (Dick Geheniau) (Reg.Fee: $194) |
TIMELCK.ZIP | Yes | 59577 | 12/21/1990 | TimeLock 22.12.9 is a 2k TSR will lock the PC keyboard after a user-specified period of inactivity. You must enter a password to unlock it. You may set the period of inactivity from six seconds to one hour. (Robert K. Ricketts) (Reg.Fee: $25) |
TSHELL.ZIP | Yes | 10224 | 3/8/1991 | TShell lets you present users with what looks like the DOS prompt, but you have full control over what commands will be accepted and executed. (Tim Bovee) (Reg.Fee: $0) |
UCPASS.ZIP | Yes | 26283 | 8/5/1990 | UCPass lets you add password protection to most programs. It does not retain the original program file, so be sure to work only from a copy. In our tests, the UCPass did not work with every program we tried. (G.H. Ford) (Reg.Fee: $15) |
XSNOOP.ZIP | Yes | 15086 | 9/23/1989 | XSnoop is a clever password program that increases its effectiveness by not looking like a password program. Instead, it looks like your DOS prompt, and if someone tries to enter something while you are gone, it will either just ignore it, or at your option, beep and/or display a message like "Memory allocation error." By putting Xsnoop in your AUTOEXEC.BAT file (and turning ECHO off), if someone tries to reboot from the hard disk, Xsnoop will still respond properly only to your password. (Scott McIntosh) (Reg.Fee: $10) |
YOURTUR.ZIP | Yes | 16222 | 5/29/1989 | YourTurn 1.0 restricts the access of files with certain file extensions for open, delete, rename, etc. It produces a log file with the date, time, and a record number along with the name of the file accessed and the type of access which was allowed or denied and the password owner who accessed it. (Dr. Masaaki Sawada) (Reg.Fee: $10) |